A comprehensive guide to help both beginners and experienced players understand the rules of pickleball.
Standard measurements, layout & markings
How points are earned & games are won
Common rule infractions to avoid
The official pickleball court has these dimensions:
The same court dimensions are used for both singles and doubles play.
Diagram showing standard pickleball court dimensions and markings
The serve must be made underhand and below waist level, with the paddle head below the wrist. The server must:
Failure to follow these serving rules results in a fault and loss of serve.
This is one of the most distinctive rules in pickleball:
This rule helps extend rallies and reduces the serving advantage.
The non-volley zone, commonly called "the kitchen," is the area within 7 feet of the net on both sides. When in this area:
Kitchen violations are common among beginners. Remember: you can be in the kitchen anytime, as long as you're not volleying the ball or have just volleyed it.
In doubles play, the score is called as three numbers:
Example: "4-2-1" means the serving team has 4 points, the receiving team has 2 points, and the server is the first server of their team.
In singles play, there are only two numbers called since there is only one server per side (e.g., "4-2").
A fault results in a dead ball and either a lost serve or a point for the serving team. Common faults include:
While not official rules, these etiquette guidelines help maintain a positive playing environment:
Now that you know the rules, are you ready to create a team name for your pickleball group?
Generate Your Team Name